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What are the necessary auto repair tools? Add Time:2023-10-13

In the process of automobile repair and maintenance, auto repair tools are indispensable. With the right tools, auto mechanics can test, diagnose, and repair more efficiently. The following will introduce some essential tools in the auto repair process.

1.Wrench: wrench is one of the most basic and most commonly used tools in auto repair tools. There are a variety of different types of wrenches, including quantitative wrenches, adjustable wrenches and torque wrenches, for installing and removing bolts and nuts.

2. Torque wrench: The torque wrench is used for the correct torque tightening of bolts. This is essential to ensure the structural safety of the parts and the performance of the vehicle.

3. Screwdriver: The screwdriver is used to tighten and loosen screws. Depending on the type and size of the screws, there are different types of screwdrivers to choose from, such as Phillips screwdrivers, flat screwdrivers, and hexagonal screwdrivers.

4. Manual jack: Manual jack can be used to lift the car to make it easier to find and repair chassis parts and chassis problems.

5. Tire changing tools: These tools include jacks, wrenches and tire iron. These tools are used together to facilitate tire replacement and repair.

6. Refrigerant filling tool: When the air conditioning system lacks coolant, the refrigerant filling tool can be used to fill the coolant and restore the air conditioning system of the car to normal.

7. Ignition wrench: The ignition wrench is used to adjust the ignition system, including replacing the spark plug and adjusting the ignition sequence.

8. Battery detection tool: Battery detection tool can be used to test the voltage and charging status of the car battery.

9. Engine wrench: Engine wrench is used to remove and install engine components, such as crankshaft and camshaft.

10. Exhaust system tools: Exhaust system tools are used to install and remove exhaust pipes and mufflers.

11. Conveyer belt tools: Conveyer belt tools are used to check and replace engine drive tape and other drive system components.

12. Oil funnel: Oil funnel can be used to add or replace engine oil more easily.

13. Spot detector: Spot detector is used to detect automotive circuit and electrical faults.

14. Air conditioning system tools: Air conditioning system tools are used to install and service automotive air conditioning systems, including condensers and evaporators.

15. Fuel detection tools: Fuel detection tools are used to detect and repair problems in the automotive fuel system.

16. Cleaning tools: Cleaning tools include brushes, spray guns and cleaners for cleaning parts and components of the car.

17. Fault code scanner: The fault code scanner is used to read the fault code of the car to help diagnose and solve the fault.

18. Life drill: Life drill is an important tool in auto repair tools, used to tighten and loosen screws quickly and efficiently.

19. Pressure gauge: Pressure gauge is used to test and detect the pressure of the vehicle, such as fuel pressure and hydraulic system pressure.

20. Short circuit tester: The short circuit tester is used to test the short circuit problem in the car circuit.

In short, the correct auto repair tools can improve the efficiency of auto repair and ensure that the repair and maintenance work of the car can be carried out normally. Making an effort to keep your tools clean and tidy, and replacing and servicing them in a timely manner as needed, will help improve the effectiveness and durability of your work.

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